It’s always interesting to see and compare what other travelers are taking on their bike touring adventures. I benefited from reading equipment lists and gear reviews on other people’s websites, so I decided to do the same. Of course the list will evolve, especially the clothes that I take with me. Since the first week or so requires winter gear, I carry extra clothes that I will eventually leave behind.
The whole thing, including the bike but not including water, weighs… just over 100 lbs!
- 4 Arkel panniers (Orca 45 and Dolphins 48)
- Ortlieb handlebar bag
- 700 ml insulated water bottle
- 2 x 1L “disposable” plastic water bottles
- Cateye Velo 7 cyclometer
- 2 big bungees
- 6 small bungees
- Bike lock
- Helmet
- Take-a-look helmet mirror
- Blackburn USB rear light
- Saddle bag
- Set of Allen keys
- Tube repair kit
- Spare tube
- 3 tire levers
- Mini pump
- Long nose pliers
- 13-15 mm and 8-10 mm wrenches
- ParkTool chain tool
- 2 chain pins
- Union cassette lockring tool/spoke wrench
- 2 presta-schreider adaptors
- 4 spare bolts
- 2 cable caps
- 1 brake cable
- 1 gear cable
- 5 spokes
- Swiss army knife
- Chain lube
- Chain cleaner
- Rags
- Cleaning brush and tooth brush
- Gloves
- 2 set of brake pads
- Electrical tape
- Duct tape
- Seam Grip
- Tie-wraps
- iPhone and cable
- Portable keyboard
- InReach Mini and cable
- Kindle and cable
- Small camera and AA batteries
- iPod Nano and cable
- 2 USB wall chargers
- 2 small battery packs (Goal Zero)
- 2 USB sticks
- MSR Hubba Hubba tent (2 person)
- Blue tarp to be used as footprint
- Sea to Summit Comfort Light insulated sleeping mattress
- Mountain Hardware -18C down sleeping bag
- Sea to summit silk sleeping bag liner
- Hammock
- MSR Whisperlight stove
- 591 ml fuel bottle
- Gloves to play with dirty stove
- 1.5L MSR titanium pot with handle (with cozy pot)
- 0.85 MSR titanium kettle (with cozy pot)
- 500 ml Nalgene container (used as bowl to eat or to save leftovers for the next day)
- Lighter/matches
- Scrubber/very small dish towel
- Campsud soap
- Plastic spoon, fork and knife + bamboo spork
- Pro Hiker Katadyn water filter
- Iodine/Aquatabs
- 4L MSR Dromedary bag
Kevlar bear bag (for the Alaska/Yukon/BC portion):Replaced by a full size bear canister after squirrels destroyed the bear bag. Will be sent home once I am outside of bear country.
- Sunscreen
- Bandaids/Hypafix/Steristrips
- Waterproof first aid tape
- Pain killers
- Gastrolytes
- Probiotics
- Cipro/Azythromycin
- Malarone (when in malaria country)
- Immodium
- Arnica ointment
- Anti-inflammatory ointment
- Zinc oxide
- Thermometer
- Essential oils (maleleuca, eucalyptus, thyme)
- Tweezers
- Eye drops
- Eye shades (mask)
- Q-tips
- Ear plugs
- 2 diva cups
- Tooth brush
- Tooth paste
- Floss
- Hair brush
- Hair elastics
- Razor
- Thread and needles
- Latex gloves
- Journal
- Pens/pencil
- Money belt/wallet
- Sunglasses/safety glasses
- Passport and photocopy
- Immunization record
- Money
- Credit cards/bank cards
- Passport pictures
- Maps
- Notes
- Family/friends pictures
- Sudoku book
- Mini playing cards
- Headlamp
- Bear spray
- 1 small towel/2 face cloths
- Soap
- Mosquito head net with ball cap
- Muskol
- Rolling pin! Yes, a rolling pin! It’s to massage my legs… Helps my knees.
This will vary a bit according to the area where I travel:
- Goretex jacket
- Reflective vest
- Rain pants
- Shoe covers
- 2 bike shorts
- 2 convertible pants
- Long johns
- 3 pairs socks
- Goretex socks
- 3 underwears
- 2 tanktops (built in bra)
- 1 quickdry shirt
- 2 merino long sleeve shirts
- Fleece jackets (one thin and one thick)
- Small insulated synthetic jacket
- 1 T-shirt
- Arm warmers
- Leg warmers
- 2 Buffs
- 1 scarf
- 1 tuque
- Thin fleece mittens
- Neopren mittens
- Bike gloves
- Hiking shoes
- Bikini
Plus water and lots of FOOOOOOD!!!