For Joy
It’s been a year since I started the CAT project, but as some of you already know, it wasn’t meant to be in 2018. Bad knees, bad weather, and soon I had to quit.
A year is a long time to wait for a second chance to try again. And it’s been a challenging year with much uncertainty. I still don’t know how things will go, but there is only one way to find out!
Many people asked me why I want to start in Prudhoe again. I thought about it a lot. Initially I was going to resume from where I stopped last year, but this past winter in Africa, I realized that I enjoy riding on hilly gravel roads, and if I didn’t do the Dalton, I would always feel like I missed out on a BIG adventure.
But there is another reason why I want to go back there.
Last year, I had the privilege to get a ride from Coldfoot to Prudhoe Bay and back to Fairbanks with Joy Wiebe, a truly amazing woman, who was driving a huge fuel truck, up and down the Dalton. She was also a dog musher, so we connected immediately and had a fantastic time sharing stories during the 20+ hours that we spent together.
For weeks after we met, she sent me amazing pictures of scenery and wildlife that she saw along the road. She loved the Dalton Highway and made me want to go back there.
And then she had an accident.
At the end of August, she rolled her truck only 30 miles short of arriving in Prudhoe Bay, and died on the scene.
I was deeply affected by that sad news, even if I had only met her briefly. She was one of those that you can never forget, an instant friend, a soul sister. Joy was without a doubt a true adventurer, a brave, inspiring, strong woman, generous and a lot of fun.
Going back on the road that she loved so much is a way to honour her adventurous spirit. I am sure she would approve.
Had she still been on the road, I know she would have watched over me. Maybe she will, from a different place.
I can’t start this journey without thanking once again my family and friends who show so much support for this adventure. I could make a long list of things that people gave me or did for me (starting with Steve who offered to drive me up the Dalton a second year in a row!). It means a lot. I could not do it without all of you and the road is not so lonely knowing that you guys are there. I’ll make sure I bring some good stories back ;)!
10 thoughts on “For Joy”
Go Cat go! Triste histoire pour Joy mais sûrement très inspirante.
What a great reason and inspiration to redo the Dalton! Joy will certainly be with you my friend as will I. Safe travels!
Allo Catherine!
Comme c’est touchant! J’ai versé une larme! Mais j’étais au… BON ENDROIT…. pour le faire…
Je t’envoie l’énergie de cet endroit pour t’accompagner tout au long de ta route!
Je t’imagine déjà parcourir cette route dans la joie, avec le sourire…
Tu es vraiment inspirante!
Tellement Merci!
Chère Catherine
Ça s’appelle en français de la résilience! Et tu en as pour les fous et les sages, comme on dit. Avec l’ (les) expérience (s) que tu as acquise(s) au fil des ans et aux bornes des kilomètres, nul doute que tu sauras trouver la juste dose d’énergie à dépenser et de temps de repos (méditation) à prendre pour équilibrer les forces qui vont te permettre de réaliser ce projet que tu “caresses” depuis maintenant qqs années.
Bon vent et bonne route
Salut Catherine, je suis vraiment desolee de lire cette une triste nouvelle 😥.
Je suis cependant heureuse que tu ais repris ce grand voyage. J’ai bien hâte de lire tes blogs!!
On se reparle a ton retour !
Bon voyage!!
Catherine, what a lovely tribute to Joy. Hope your trip is filled with fun and adventure and I know you will be meeting many more amazing people. Looking forward to updates!!
Je ne m’attendais à rien de moins de ta part ! Quand on réalise un rêve si longuement attendu, on ne triche pas ! Malgré la triste nouvelle, je suis heureuse que Joy t’accompagnera dans ton périple, l’émotion ressentie n’en sera que plus significative. Go go go chère amie, merci de partager tes aventures avec nous !
Salut Catherine,
Heureux de savoir que tu seras de retour sur la route.
Quelle histoire!
L essentiel c est l effort sincere, l effort de la volonté a realiser un ideal qui nous dépasse.
Bonne chance
On a hate pour les nouvelles! On espere que tout ca bien
Belle Catherine,
Je comprends très bien l’esprit qui t’anime sur cette route. Te lire est comme une bouffée d’air frais et de bonheur PUR.
Quand tu seras prête pour rouler la Mongolie, fais-moi signe. On a souvent parler de pédaler ensemble. Je réitère ce désir !